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4th precinct Inspector Regina ran the meeting along with Deputy Inspector Lawler.

The topic of the meeting was Public Service.

The first guest speaker for the evening was the Chief of Smithtown Public Safety. He explained that his department consists of Park Rangers, Harbormaster, Fire Prevention, Ordinances and the Department of Emergency Management.

The Village of Islandia Code Enforcement/Public Safety also had a representative that gave an overview of her department.

Inspector Regina and Deputy Inspector Lawler gave the residents a synopsis of some incidents that have ocurred in the precinct. The catalytic converter thefts continue to be problem not only in the precinct but nationwide. There were 49 thefts last month. They were able to make an arrest related to the thefts in Kings Park. They urged residents not to confront the thieves but to dial 911.

Street racers continue to be an issue. Last month there was an incident where racers jumped on a Sargent’s car and caused extensive damage when the Police attempted to break up the gathering in the vicinity of the L.I.E. and Ocean Avenue.

The next 4th precinct community meeting will be held December 6th.

Thanks to Bob Murphy

Fellow members, 
Our next General Membership meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 16th at 7:00pm at the Police Academy.
Sergeant Kelly Hartill and her team are scheduled  to be our Guest Speakers. They represent the Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse Bureau.
We will have samples of SCCPAAA clothing available for you to see at the meeting.We will have order forms available so please remember to bring a check with you.You may choose from a T-shirt with emblem patch for $25, a polo shirt with an embroidery patch at $45 and/or a full zip sweatshirt at $55.
As always, we hope you can join us!
With appreciation of your support, 
Kevin O’Hare – PresidentDebbie Grayer – Corresponding SecretarySuffolk County Citizens’ Police Academy Alumni Association, Inc.

Dear Alumni Members,

Here are the major October 2022 statistics for the 1st Precinct which held its meeting on November 3, 2022:

2,949 arrests this year;

2 residential and 2 commercial burglaries;

28 stolen cars, over 300 stolen this year;

3 robberies;

2 gun firing incidents;

36 drug arrests, 566 this year;

247 car crashes, 46 with injuries;

2 DWIs.

Stolen cars continue to be a major problem.  

Kevin McCaffrey, Presiding Officer of the Suffolk County Legislature, opened the meeting.  He announced that arrests have been made in connection with the stealing of catalytic converters, and a new law will make it harder for scrap dealers to buy them.  He also stated that an additional class of 225 recruits will start police training soon.

Inspector Brendan Forte, the Precinct Commanding Officer, said that the cyber intrusion has ended.  He stated that during the problem police response time was not affected.  On a positive note, the number of burglaries and robberies are down in the precinct.

Officers from various patrol areas were present to address individual concerns of the residents.

The next meeting at the West Babylon Public Library is December 1, 2022 at 7 PM.  All residents are welcome.


Justin Cooper, 1st Precinct Coordinator

Spent an evening having dinner with Jackie “the Jokeman” Martling from the Howard Stern show!
Kevin O'Hare placed Civilian Academy Class Liturature at Legislator Stephanie Bontempi’s office.


Kevin signed her up for the next class in March, 2023 !