In attendance representing SCCPAAA was Lou Giudice.
January 2025 had 731 crimes, down from 687 last year for the same period.
Therefore, compared to last year, crime increased by 6.4% for the month of January .
These crimes included:
- 0 Homicide
- 8 Aggravated Assaults
- 8 Burglaries (5 Residential, 3 Commercial)
- 3 Robberies
- 7 Grand Larcenies Auto
- 1 Trigger Pull (0 Victim Shot) out of 2 recorded gun crimes
- compared to January 2024, when we had 1 Trigger Pull (0 Victims Shot) out of 5 recorded gun crimes
There were 217 arrests on 286 charges in January including:
- 10 Assaults
- 4 Burglaries
- 51 Drugs
- 4 Robberies
January had 12 drug overdoses with 4 fatalities,
compared with January 2024 with 26 overdoses and 3 fatalities.
January had 552 motor vehicle crashes compared to January 2024 with 532 crashes, up 3.8%.
- 2 SPI 1 fatal
- 62 leaving the scene
- 1 DWI related
There were 16 arrests for DWI with 16 charges.
Officers wrote 2305 tickets.
Highway Bureau SITE Unit issued 97 additional tickets.
Reported by Lou Giudice