Dear Alumni Members,

Here are the major July 2023 statistics for the 1st Precinct which held its meeting on August 3, 2023:

1539 arrests this year;

0 commercial burglaries;

1 residential burglary;

15 stolen cars;

1 robbery;

230 car crashes with no fatalities, but 45 injuries;

28 assaults;

3 arson cases; and

54 controlled substance arrests.

Inspector Brendan Forte, the 1st Precinct Commanding Officer, made the presentation.  He said there were 172 catalytic converter thefts.  If you see anyone under a car, especially between 2 am and 7 am, call 911. 

Peter Colli gave a presentation about the Civilian Police Academy in an attempt to recruit new members.

The next meeting will be September 7, 2023.  The location and time will be announced later.  All residents are welcome.


Justin Cooper and Peter Colli

1st Precinct Coordinators

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