Below are some of the items addressed at the 2nd Precinct Community Meeting on January 15th, 2014:

A presentation on fire safety was given by Joseph Ervin and Sean Schwier from the Town of Huntington Fire Marshal’s office.  Here are a few tips that were shared:
When buying a space heater, make sure that the product has the “UL” symbol
When buying an extension cord for a space heater, make sure it is a heavy gauge cord with a built in circuit breaker
The following are some of the questions raised at the meeting:
An update was requested regarding burglaries that occurred in the area of Cherry La in Huntington.  No arrests have been made at this time
A request was made to look into the issue with door to door peddlers in the Melville area.  These peddlers have created concern in the neighborhood.  Plans were made to look into possible Huntington Town Ordinance violations to charge these peddlers.

Additional note – On 01/16/14 two men in a white van were stopped on Wolf Hill Rd in Huntington and were questioned regarding a complaint of peddling.  Both men stated that they worked for a local construction company and were subsequently arrested for Peddling without a License, a Huntington Town Ordinance violation.