Great participation by our local elected officials and SCCPAAA!

National Night Out Against Crime — “Commack”

Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone and SCCPAAA President Kevin O’Hare, and others,  were at the National Night Out Against Crime in Commack. 


National Night Out Against Crime — “Dix Hills”

Suffolk County Sheriff Errol Toulan Jr. with SCCPAAA President Kevin O’Hare at the National Night Out Against Crime in Dix Hills. 




At the April 18, 2018 meeting, the nominating committee presented their recommended slate of officers to the Executive Board and general members. Prior to the vote, members present were asked if there were any nominations from the floor; as there were none, the nominated officers were approved by the general membership, unanimously.

The Officers elected at the April 18th meeting are as follows:

1st Vice President…………..Catherine O’Brien
Treasurer…………………….Doug Young
Financial Secretary………….Z. Jumpp-Sabaks
Membership Secretary………Ken Patrick Johnson
Corresponding Secretary……Deborah Grayer
Recording Secretary………….Erin Nofi King
Sergeant at Arms……………..Bob Perrone

In addition, Frank Sini Jr. was approved as WEBMASTER for SCCPAAA.