Currently viewing the category: "Precincts"

Kevin O’Hare, President of Suffolk County Citizens Academy, Inspector Vincent Maronski, Commander 3rd Precinct, and John Callori, Citizens Academy Board Member attending the Precinct’s monthly Community Meeting.

Lou Giudice attended this meeting and notes the following:

February statistics

518 crimes reported.

Last year during same period 480 crimes were reported.

This represents an increase of 7.9% for the month of February.


Crimes included:

1 homicide

4 aggravated assaults

5 burglaries

-1 residential

-4 commercial

3 robberies

5 grand larceny autos


Trigger pull

5 Everglades Ln, Coram

Thursday, 2/17/22 0346 hours

Murder 2nd

Home Invasion – 4 unknown male subjects entered home

A 46 year old male victim was shot in the torso

A 45 year old female resident was pistol whipped

2 other residents in the home were unharmed.


February arrests

208 arrests

257 charges


2 assaults

5 burglaries

23 drugs

1 robbery

23 DWIs


Overdose data

21 overdoses

1 fatality


Vehicle and Traffic Enforcement

23 arrests for DWI (36 charges)

Officers wrote 1,452 tickets

February Crimes:

Robbery 4

Assault 6

Residential Burglary 7

Commercial Burglary 2

Larceny 124

Vehicle Theft 6

Shots Fired 3

Thanks to Dick Holmes

Dear Alumni Members,

Here are the major February 2022 monthly statistics for the 1st Precinct which held its meeting on March 3, 2022:

272 arrests;

2 residential and 2 commercial burglaries;

13 stolen cars;

2 robberies;

23 drug overdoses, 4 fatal;

2 shootings, 2 males injured, 1 critically;

13 DWIs, and

55 drug arrests.

Stolen cars continue to be a problem with owners leaving the cars unattended, either running or keys left in the ignition.

Kevin McCaffrey, presiding officer of the Suffolk County Legislature, was in attendance.  He came over and told me about President Kevin O’Hare’s appearance together with Deputy Inspector John Hanley at a legislative meeting.  He indicated he was in favor of funding an additional civilian class in next year’s county budget.

The next meeting at the West Babylon Public Library is April 7, 2022 at 7 PM.


Justin Cooper, 1st Precinct Coordinator